Nothing Hurts More Than This

The Chaotic Secrets Blog

Today, I found something that really broke my heart. 

Someone really close and special to me unfollowed me on Instagram. I never thought he'd do something like that never, ever.

When I saw it, my heart just shattered into pieces. This was someone I shared my whole childhood and life with, from moments of laughter to shared secrets. 

I couldn't help but reminisce about all the good times we had. And now, it felt like all that was being erased with a single click of a button.

Part of me wanted to go in front of him and tell him immediately, ask him what was going on. But I didn't!

I was scared of what I might hear, scared that confronting him might make things even worse.

I feel so sad.

How am I going to live my life like this? I feel like every connection I have, everyone I love, just keeps drifting farther and farther away from me. 

Am I the problem? Yeah- I might be the problem. It’s such a lonely feeling, and it’s hard to shake off.

Maybe it's a sign that things have changed and I need to accept it. But, it still hurts!

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