When Everything Feels Hopeless

When Everything Feels Hopeless

I don't feel like doing anything. especially if it involves making an effort. 

I don’t want to get out of bed or feel like going out or doing anything. 

I feel lonely, lost, and hopeless. 

Every time I try to be positive, the very next moment I fail. I am not able to concentrate. 

I feel irritated, confused, and sad every time. I can laugh and smile, but deep down, something feels wrong. 

I don’t feel normal, even though everything seems okay on the surface. 

I don’t like myself. I don’t like my face, my smile, my body, or my personality. 

To be honest, I hate myself and the way I am. I don’t know how I’m still holding on, but somehow, I am. 

My whole life feels like a mess. 

My career? A mess. My education? A mess. My love life? Yeah, you guessed it—another mess! Even my relationships with others and my relationship with myself—a bigger mess. 

It’s all A MESS. 

I feel hopeless like there’s no point in anything. 

On the outside, everything looks fine, I look fine, I act fine. But inside, nothing feels fine. 

The weather inside me? I guess no one understands, not even myself! 

I've heard that time heals everything, but I’m not sure I believe that anymore. 

Affirmations and quotes? What's that for? Nothing helps when all I can hear is my own self-criticism! 

So here I am, just trying to hold on, even though everything feels so heavy.

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